How to start with development === * Run: ```bash bin/ ``` * Enjoy your coffee ;-) * Symfony will serve web at [http://localhost:8000] * Requirements: Docker, Docker Compose v2, Bash How to import posts: --- ```bash docker compose exec -it php-fpm bin/console brilo:refresh-database ``` How to develop static content: --- ```bash docker compose run -it php-fpm /var/www/html/node_modules/.bin/encore dev ``` Tests --- ```bash docker compose exec --env OTEL_PHP_DISABLED_INSTRUMENTATIONS=all php-fpm bin/phpunit ``` phpstan & cs ```bash docker compose exec --env OTEL_PHP_DISABLED_INSTRUMENTATIONS=all php-fpm vendor/bin/phpcs docker compose exec --env OTEL_PHP_DISABLED_INSTRUMENTATIONS=all php-fpm vendor/bin/phpstan ``` Logs: --- * Logs are saved into Loki and are available via Grafana at [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000/explore?panes=%7B%22oAA%22:%7B%22datasource%22:%22loki%22,%22queries%22:%5B%7B%22refId%22:%22A%22,%22expr%22:%22%7Bjob%3D%5C%22__root__%5C%22%7D%20%7C%3D%20%60%60%22,%22queryType%22:%22range%22,%22datasource%22:%7B%22type%22:%22loki%22,%22uid%22:%22loki%22%7D,%22editorMode%22:%22builder%22%7D%5D,%22range%22:%7B%22from%22:%22now-6h%22,%22to%22:%22now%22%7D%7D%7D&schemaVersion=1&orgId=1) Traces: --- * Traces are saved into Tempo and are available via Grafana at [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000/explore?panes=%7B%22rOh%22:%7B%22datasource%22:%22tempo%22,%22queries%22:%5B%7B%22refId%22:%22A%22,%22datasource%22:%7B%22type%22:%22tempo%22,%22uid%22:%22tempo%22%7D,%22queryType%22:%22traceqlSearch%22,%22limit%22:20,%22filters%22:%5B%7B%22id%22:%22e056584d%22,%22operator%22:%22%3D%22,%22scope%22:%22span%22%7D%5D%7D%5D,%22range%22:%7B%22from%22:%22now-6h%22,%22to%22:%22now%22%7D%7D%7D&schemaVersion=1&orgId=1) Containers: --- * php-fpm -> FPM and tooling * nginx -> Serving static content, proxy to FPM * postgres -> Database * grafana, tempo, loki, promtail, prometheus -> Monitoring stack TODO: --- * [ ] Add some validations, parsing of remote entities & use better db types than text (but there is no documentation of API...) * [ ] Custom error pages * [ ] Better traces in Tempo (currently very basic) * [ ] Monitor the result of refresh-database via Prometheus * [ ] Monitor 500/200 status codes via Prometheus * [ ] Sentry integration * [ ] Deployment to dev/test and prod, production settings, production Docker images * [ ] CI/CD Notes --- In real "production" code, the monitoring stack will be available from the dev/test environment. It doesn't make sense to have it on the local dev stack, but for this example, I thought it was good