{% extends "base" %} {% block content %}

{{ cv.person.name }} {{ cv.person.surname }}

{{ cv.person.job_title | lang_entity(lang=lang) }}

{{ "about-me" | translate(lang=lang) }}

{{ cv.person.about | lang_entity(lang=lang) }}

{{ "bio" | translate(lang=lang) }}

{{ "age" | translate(lang=lang) }}
{{ cv.person.birthday | calculate_age }}
{{"email" | translate(lang=lang) }}
{{ cv.person.email }}
{{ "phone" | translate(lang=lang) }}
+ {{cv.person.phone | insert_space_every(times=3) }}
{% if cv.person.address %}
{{"address" | translate(lang=lang) }}
{{ cv.person.address }}
{% endif %}
{% if cv.person.social.facebook %}  {{ cv.person.social.github }} {% endif %} {% if cv.person.social.github %}  {{ cv.person.social.github }} {% endif %} {% if cv.person.social.linkedin %}  {{ cv.person.social.linkedin }} {% endif %} {% if cv.person.social.instagram %}  {{ cv.person.social.instagram }} {% endif %} {% if cv.person.social.mastodon %}  {{ cv.person.social.mastodon }} {% endif %}

{{ "professional-skills" | translate(lang=lang) }}

{% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Language") %}
{{ skill.name }}
{{ skill.skill | translate(lang=lang)}}
{% endfor %} {% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Language") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="only") %} {{ skill.name }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Technology") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="none") %}
{{ skill.name }}
{{ skill.skill | translate(lang=lang)}}
{% endfor %} {% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Technology") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="only") %} {{ skill.name }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ "frameworks-and-databases" | translate(lang=lang) }}

{% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Framework") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="none") %}
{{ skill.name }}
{{ skill.skill | translate(lang=lang)}}
{% endfor %} {% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Framework") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="only") %} {{ skill.name }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Database") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="none") %}
{{ skill.name }}
{{ skill.skill | translate(lang=lang)}}
{% endfor %} {% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Database") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="only") %} {{ skill.name }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{"tools" | translate(lang=lang)}}: {% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="Tool") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="all") %} {{ skill.name }}{% if skill.skill %} - {{skill.skill}}{% endif %}, {% endfor %} {{"operating-systems" | translate(lang=lang)}}: {% for skill in cv.skills | filter(attribute="techtype",value="OperatingSystem") | advanced_filter(attribute="skill", include_null="all") %} {{ skill.name }}{% if skill.skill %} - {{skill.skill}}{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{"languages" | translate(lang=lang)}}: {% for language in cv.languages %} {{language.lang}} - {{language.level|translate(lang=lang)}} {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ "work-experience" | translate(lang=lang) }}

{% for job in cv.jobs | filter(attribute="jobtype", value="Contract") %}
{{ job.title }} at {{ job.company }}
{% if job.languages and job.technologies %} {{ job.languages | concat(with=job.technologies) }} {% elif job.languages %} {{job.languages}} {% elif job.technologies %} {{job.technologies}} {% endif %} {% if job.from | format_date(type="job") != job.to | format_date(type="job") %}
{{ job.from | format_date(type="job") }} - {{ job.to | format_date(type="job") }}
{% else %}
{{ job.from | format_date(type="job") }}
{% endif %}
{{ job.description | lang_entity(lang=lang) }}
{% endfor %}

{{ "work-freelance" | translate(lang=lang) }}

{% for job in cv.jobs | filter(attribute="jobtype", value="Freelance") %}
{{ job.title }} at {{ job.company }}
{% if job.languages and job.technologies %} {{ job.languages | concat(with=job.technologies) }} {% elif job.languages %} {{job.languages}} {% elif job.technologies %} {{job.technologies}} {% endif %} {% if job.from | format_date(type="job") != job.to | format_date(type="job") %}
{{ job.from | format_date(type="job") }} - {{ job.to | format_date(type="job") }}
{% else %}
{{ job.from | format_date(type="job") }}
{% endif %}
{{ job.description | lang_entity(lang=lang) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}