128 lines
3.7 KiB
128 lines
3.7 KiB
use std::{sync::{Arc}, time::Duration};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use async_mutex::Mutex;
use headless_chrome::{Browser, LaunchOptions};
use log::{warn, error};
use rocket::{fairing::{Fairing, self}, Rocket, Build, catcher::Result, Request, Response, request::{FromRequest, Outcome}};
pub struct Chromium {
impl Chromium {
pub fn ignite() -> Self {
pub fn default() -> Self {
Self {
impl Fairing for Chromium {
fn info(&self) -> fairing::Info {
fairing::Info {
name: "Chromium",
kind: fairing::Kind::Ignite,
async fn on_ignite(&self, rocket: Rocket<Build>) -> fairing::Result {
let new_rocket = rocket.manage(ChromiumCoordinator::new().await);
let coordinator = new_rocket.state::<ChromiumCoordinator>().unwrap();
error!("{:p}", &coordinator);
pub struct ChromiumCoordinator {
instances: Arc<Mutex<Vec<BrowserHolder>>>,
impl ChromiumCoordinator {
const NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES: usize = 1;
pub async fn new() -> Self {
let instances: Arc<Mutex<Vec<BrowserHolder>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::with_capacity(Self::NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES)));
while instances.lock().await.len() < Self::NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES {
instances.lock().await.push(BrowserHolder { browser: Browser::new(LaunchOptions {
idle_browser_timeout: Duration::from_secs(1), // Wait inifinity for commands
}).unwrap() });
Self { instances }
fn spawn_browser(&self) {
let instances = self.instances.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
error!("Spawn new instance of browser");
// Create new instance
let browser = Browser::new(LaunchOptions::default()).unwrap();
instances.lock().await.push( BrowserHolder {browser });
fn try_get_instance(&self) -> Option<BrowserHolder> {
let mut instances = self.instances.lock().await;
if instances.len() == 0 {
return None;
pub async fn try_get_browser(&self) -> std::result::Result<BrowserHolder, ()> {
let instances = self.instances.clone();
let mut loop_count = 0;
while instances.lock().await.len() == 0 {
warn!("Waiting for Chromium instances to start...");
if loop_count > 100 * 10 * 60 {
panic!("Can't start Chromium instances");
loop_count += 1;
let browser = self.instances.lock().await.remove(0);
// test connection state
match browser.browser.get_version() {
Ok(_) => Ok(browser),
Err(_) => {
pub async fn get_browser(&self) -> std::result::Result<BrowserHolder, ()> {
loop {
match self.try_get_browser().await {
Ok(browser) => return Ok(browser),
Err(_) => {} // all instances may be dead ... we must wait for new instance
pub struct BrowserHolder {
pub browser: Browser,
impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for BrowserHolder {
type Error = ();
async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> Outcome<Self, ()> {
let coordinator = request.rocket().state::<ChromiumCoordinator>().unwrap();
error!("{:p}", &coordinator);
let browser = coordinator.get_browser().await.unwrap();